Majora's Mask-Themed Christmas Carol Brings Holiday Cheer

Majora's Mask-Themed Christmas Carol Brings Holiday Cheer

As well as a good jolly laugh or ten.

Michelle McLean by Michelle McLean on Dec 21, 2014 @ 08:50 PM (Staff Bios)
There are plenty of fans that are excited for the upcoming 3DS remake of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Honestly, I've tried to play it once, but found the game too stressful because a time limit exists (even if you can extend said time). Nevertheless, there are lots of people that admire this game. Theories such as Link has been dead throughout the game surround the game's premise, fanmade music remixes are released, and people write fanfiction about the aftermath of the game. So it's no surprise to find that there is a Christmas carol that revolves around Majora's Mask. The music video, which can be found on YouTube, is called, "The Twelve Days at Snowhead" - A Zelda Christmas Carol. The video is very cute, but at the same time the ending will catch people off guard. I highly recommend this video, as it hilariously stays true to the story. You don't even have to play the game to understand the video, though.

It is highly recommended to watch, epecially when you're basking in the Christmas spirit. However, this is video is also a great reminder that the remake of Majora's Mask will appear in the Spring of 2015. And now if you'll excuse me, I will watch this video about ten more times, because it is that addictive. In the meantime, you can watch the video below. What do you think of it?


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