Leaked Images Show Call of Duty WW II

Leaked Images Show Call of Duty WW II

Beware of Rumour.

JesseCecchetto by JesseCecchetto on Mar 25, 2017 @ 10:13 PM (Staff Bios)
So first of all, like all things that have been leaked, take these images with a grain of salt. In no way shape or form are these official images, and nothing has been officially announced either. That being said, I wouldn't be surprised if the next Call of Duty went back to World War II, not only because I think it would be a great move, but also because of the comments that Activision made back in February.

Activision discussed that they will be going back to their roots with the next Call of Duty, but they didn't provide any details on what that meant. As vague as it sounds, that comment could explain them going back to WWII, but it could also mean that they are going back to a more realistic and modern military warfare game instead of the futuristic shooter that they've been making thus far. A youtube channel called TheFamilyVideoGamers breaks down these leaks and explores the topic in detail. He received several images from an anonymous source which is surprising based on the amount of subscribers he has.

While Activision's comment about returning to their roots could be a reason to believe the authenticity of these images, it could very well be a good reason for somebody to conjure up these images in an attempt to fool the community and have a bit of fun. It could go either way honestly, so I'm curious to see what information will come up now after the release of these images. While Call of Duty games are getting much more futuristic, I think it would be nice to see them go back in time a bit. With the success of Battlefield 1, I think it would be a safe assumption that Activision might want to cash in on the idea of an old-school shooter.

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