Mr. Jackson states...
You are able to watch the UGC on the Major League Gaming website then tune in here to witness the tournament. With all the popularity in preparation for a LAN tournament, Matt has plans for a fighting game championship in April as well."UGC went from being a small tournament into a national event. It will host the top 5 US teams in a Call of Duty tournament." According to the host "each member of the top team has over 100,000 twitter followers, which [UGC] hopes will tune into the live stream."
My Thoughts
As we look at how the industry can move forward, eSports is a clear choice for gaining a new audience. LAN parties/championships have been simulating these major events for years. Seeing a thriving business model around eSports with a property solely dedicated to LAN parties is refreshing. I hope we continue to hear about such success stories.
Source: The Southern
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