Kojima Wants to Keep his New Studio Small

Kojima Wants to Keep his New Studio Small

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pocru by pocru on May 24, 2016 @ 10:07 AM (Staff Bios)
If there's one thing Hideo Kojima is known for... it sure as hell ain't his humility. The dude is good at what he does, and knows it, and will never pass up the opportunity to flaunt his work... except when it could be used as a killer reveal, as was the case of PT.

So when you've got a guy with a big (and deservedly so) ego, you think he's going to want to share any of the spotlight? And while Hideo Kojima may have said to GameReactor that the reason he wants his studio to stay small, with around 100 employees at most, because it's more efficient and bolsters workplace communication, I know the truth--he really just wants to fill more spaces in the ending credits with his name.

He continued to elaborate on his misleading claims by using a glass of water as an analogy: if you find a glass of water on a Hollywood set, who does it belong too? How full should it be? It would be hard to figure that out with 1000+ employees, so he plans on keeping it small. So if you plan on working for him, better be ready to have a heck of an application, and possibly, kill the person who's working the position you want.

Regardless, hopefully a small team can still work fast. I, for one, would really like to learn more about his mysterious new PS4-exclusive he's working on right now. Hoping it'll be something with robots and butts in it!


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