How to Win the Console War

How to Win the Console War

Hint: It's your exclusives.

AS Unreal by AS Unreal on Mar 23, 2017 @ 02:10 PM (Staff Bios)
The console war has raged on for years and years now. While both the Xbox One and PS4 are great consoles, Sony has been winning the fight for a while. The consoles are very close in performance and hardware, so there must be a reason why one is so far ahead of the other. Aside from “fanboy” players that purchase the console just because it says Sony or Microsoft on it, the biggest reason people side one way is due to the exclusive releases.

In 2017, the PS4 has dominated with its amazing exclusives. Games like Horizon Zero Dawn, Nioh, Nier Automata, and Gravity Rush 2 are getting great reviews, but they’re not done yet. MLB 17: The Show is on its way pretty soon, along with Persona 5. The Playstation list is absolutely stacked right now.

If you take a look at the Xbox One side of things, their exclusives have paled in comparison. Hyped up games like ReCore and Halo Wars 2 flopped and even franchise games like Gears of War 4 fell off and didn’t sell as well as previous games in the series.

Obviously the exclusives aren’t everything. If you take a look at Nintendo, they have amazing exclusives and they’re my personal favorite. However, the Nintendo Switch isn’t even close to being a part of the console war because it’s a console that sits on the back burner. The inability to play most shooters and sports games cripples the console, but the huge selection of fun exclusives still keep it afloat. Console exclusive games certainly aren’t everything, but they play a major role in the overall success of a system and company.


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