Hearthstone's Next Expansion is Journey to Un'Goro

Hearthstone's Next Expansion is Journey to Un'Goro

Which means dinosaurs!

pocru by pocru on Feb 28, 2017 @ 03:26 AM (Staff Bios)
Well, Hearthstone is getting some pretty big changes in the coming weeks, with a new year bring a host of new changes to cards and rules both new and old. But 2017 has even more surprises for you WoW-themed card-sharks out there, as the folks over at Blizzard have just announced the next big expansion, Journey to Un’Goro.

Long trailer to accompany it, too. Check it out:

Journey to Un’Goro will be released in Spring, will add 135 new cards, and a few new mechanics. The most banal of these mechanical changes is the introduction of a new tribe of cards, Elementals, with new elemental cards being introduced and several old cards (like Fire Elementals and Earth Elementals) being given the category. This’ll mean more strategic options as cards augment and target elemental-class cards.

They also introduce the “Adept” keyword, which functions similarly as discovery cards, except you discover a new boon, like enhanced stats or a special ability.

But what is perhaps the coolest of all is the addition of quests: legendary spells that cost one mana and will always be in your opening hand. These give you conditions to fulfill while you play, and if you manage to complete them, then you’ll get a powerful boon or minion to play as a reward. The first we’ve seen, called “Awaken the Makers”, requires you summon 7 deathrattle minions. Success gives you the card Amara, Warden of Hope, a 5-mana card with 8 in attack and health that has taunt, and puts your HP at 40.

Seems unbalanced, but then it is a priest card, so it’ll probably work out.

Anyway, we still don’t know when exactly this will be released, but you can still pre-order 50 card packs for 50 bucks if you already know you want in on this. It’s also worth noting that when this expansion is released, the Year of the Mammoth will officially end, and Blackrock Mountain, The Grand Tournament, and League of Explorers will retire from Standard Play.



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