Halo Online Modded Multiplayer Vid Surfaces on YouTube

Halo Online Modded Multiplayer Vid Surfaces on YouTube

Granted, the game looks pretty fun, but I feel that there will be major consequences with this mod soon.

Michelle McLean by Michelle McLean on Apr 12, 2015 @ 09:16 AM (Staff Bios)
Seems like the Halo Online modders just won't quit. They have been incredibly tenacious, because even though the "ElDorito" mod has been torn down by Microsoft, they have persisted in releasing mods for the Russian-exclusive FPS. One YouTube uploader, GamingPranks, has gone so far as to share a recent video of the multiplayer action that Halo Online offers.

Watching the video, I can make a few observations:
  • There does not seem to be any headshot mechanics. Seriously, it took like a bajillion shots to the face to take someone down. I can't remember if Halo has always been like that though.
  • The gameplay seems a little clunky, yet fluid. I know this does not make a lot of sense, but when you run, it's fluid, but when shooting or twisting, the game acts a bit... jittery. Apparently, it's due to the instability of the P2P connection online.
  • The area appears to be graphically from Halo 3, whereas the characters graphically resonate with Halo 4.
  • The character we watch is pretty good at the game. Just saying.
  • The mod is not in Russian. It is in English, but I'm sure that's not difficult to translate, considering our knowledge of shooters and the limited amount of text.
  • You can blow up vehicles on the street with grenades... or at least flip them over. Wonder if there is any other envinromental damage.
  • The snow effect is detailed and elaborate in this game. However, it does remind me of Russia.
  • I believe only one sign in this area is in English. And that's the Exit sign at 3:21.
Overall the game looks fun, especially for a Free-to-Play game, but it's unclear as to what all this modding will result in. As mentioned on the source site, there's a possbility that Microsoft may never bring Halo Online to any other region due to the modding. Only time will tell.

In the meantime, you're welcome to watch the video, but I am sure it will be a matter of time before the video is pulled. So get your fill while it lasts!

(Source: Dark Side of Gaming)


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