GTA V Becomes Fastest Selling Game in UK
In 2010, Call of Duty Black Ops broke the record for the fastest-selling video game in the UK by selling 2 million copies within 5 days. Now, Grand Theft Auto V shattered that record by selling 2.25 million copies in the same time frame. Within the first 24 hours of the game's release it sold 1.57 million copies, so it is safe to say that this game is a huge success. GTA has always been a successful video game series, however GTA V definitely had the biggest release of them all.
According to Chart-Track, the other games in the Top 10 list only account for 4% of video game sales for the week. What does this mean? It means that GTA V has completely dominated video game sales for the week and will proboably continue to stay in the Top 10 list for weeks to come.
If you take a look at the game's sales on a global scale you will find that GTA V brought in over $800 million on it's first day! That's a lot of money for one video game to make in one day, and so far most of the reviews are positive. Take a look at the video below to see what the game is all about...
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