God of War Players Discover Well-Hidden Secret Treasure

God of War Players Discover Well-Hidden Secret Treasure

Hidden with the special edition of the game.

LizardRock by LizardRock on Apr 28, 2018 @ 11:09 AM (Staff Bios)
Usually, the special edition of games comes with metal cases, cool posters, and sometimes a figurine or two. This time, gamers were rewarded with a deep secret. A secret that would lead to a great treasure.

If you had invested in the God of War Special Edition, you'd receive a real-cloth map of the landscape within the game. While presumed decorative at first, it was eventually pointed out that runes found on the map were of the proto-Norse runic alphabet, and could be translated into English. Kratos son Atreus even mentions in-game how the local runes could be translated.

After transcribing the texts, players discovered a spoiler-based story that took some critical thinking to decipher. Though with enough trial and error, the riddle was bested and the prize found.

Should you follow all the clues, you'd eventually find the Forbidden Grip of the Ages, a legendary axe pommel that increases all of Kratos stats and adds a concussive wave to the end of his R1 combo.

HEY, SPOILERS AHOY. Below is a more detailed walkthrough of the riddle and how it was solved. Since it's lore based, its full of game spoilers, be warned.

The runes found on the physical map transcribe to say the following:

"The brilliant blacksmiths Brok and Sindri travelled all around the lands of Midgard to create this great map for the giantess Faye a mysterious treasure was found at the space between them at the conclusion of their journey unfortunately for the brothers the treasure's location was instantly forgotten Brok retraced his steps and blamed Sindri for losing the treasure Sindri retraced his own steps but clearly knew it was Brok's fault they could not find it the treasure was never found and neither brother has spoken to the other either since
. . .
To Reveal the great treasure stand inside the golden circle and look straight ahead to tyrs temple now look to the left brazier look back to tyrs temple look to the right brazier and back to left brazier

Having just looked to the left brazier now look back straight ahead to tyrs temple again now look down to the floor then look up to the right brazier and then back to the left brazier and finally look to tyrs temple to reveal the forgotten treasure"

Using the presumed pathways set by Brok and Sindri, as well as the mention of a golden circle, players concluded that it referred to Muspelheim Tower. Once they reach the tower and follow the weirdly precise instructions of looking at various braziers, a rift appears in which Kratos can pull the treasure out of.


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