GameCube Virtual Console Might be Coming to the Nintendo Switch

GameCube Virtual Console Might be Coming to the Nintendo Switch

Oh, I hope so!

AS Unreal by AS Unreal on Dec 13, 2016 @ 02:52 PM (Staff Bios)
If there's one thing we know for sure about the Nintendo Switch it's that the console is making a lot of news for itself and Nintendo is absolutely loving it. In a new rumor, the Nintendo Switch might be getting a Nintendo GameCube Virtual Console emulator. Now, before everybody gets too excited, this is all just a rumor right now. It has been confirmed by multiple sources, but not by Nintendo.

According to these sources, there are a few games being tested right now and things seem to be running very smoothly. Of the short list of titles being tested, the three largest by far would be Super Smash Bros, Super Mario Sunshine, and Luigi's Mansion. If this rumor turns out to be true, it's going to draw a lot of attention to the Switch. Maybe Nintendo is waiting until their big reveal in January to release this information, but I'm very hyped.

It has also been rumored that the next title Nintendo will begin working on for the GameCube Virtual Console will be Animal Crossing GameCube. I still remember the old GameCube days quite vividly, and I can't count how many hours I logged into those four games over my lifetime. I would have friends over and we would do Smash tournaments for hours and hours. I must have played through Luigi's Mansion and Super Mario Sunshine three or four times each and I loved every single playthrough.


The rumor doesn't end at the GameCube though. With the GameCube Virtual Console, it is also rumored that players will be able to go way back and play some NES games as well. While there isn't a list drawn up for the NES titles being tested, it can be assumed that Nintendo will probably go all the way on this one. If they're going to do GameCube and they know how well the NES Mini has been doing, why not just take the whole cake and include that as well.

Whether you believe the NES portion of this or not, there's definitely a major reason that people are being persuaded. Nerd, the developer of the NES Mini, is apparently the company in charge of programming the Virtual Console. 

True or false, this rumor is huge. I would love to be able to play old GameCube games on my Nintendo Switch, but we're going to have to wait and see how this whole thing plays out. Maybe if we're really good this year Santa Fils-Aime will give us access to Nintendo 64 titles as well and we can all play Pokemon Stadium and Hey You Pikachu.


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