Funcom Unleashes Your Worst Nightmare in the Form of "The Park"

Funcom Unleashes Your Worst Nightmare in the Form of "The Park"

This is also part of The Secret World.

Michelle McLean by Michelle McLean on Oct 27, 2015 @ 04:49 PM (Staff Bios)
Halloween, you're just around the corner for us. A night filled with frights, sights, and of course, bloody bites is awaiting us, and all this month we have been celebrating with news of various horror titles at least every few days. Today is another one of these days: a cool, brisk day inviting haunting tales. And today's tale? The Park.

By The Park, I am referring to the Funcom's first game built on a small budget and with a short development cycle. The Park is a single-player horror experience that vows to make you wet your pants. To invite you to this horrendous experience is this opening:

It all begins with a typical day at the park, where parents and children roam around happily in the midst of the family-centric mechanical playground. During what should be a bright and fun-filled day is an erupted fear of every parent: a child missing. This tale follows Lorraine, a mother who has lost sight of her son in the emerging terrors of Atlantic Island Park, known for its grotesque freak accidents, ghostly hauntings, and decrepit air smothered with death.

Check out the YouTube footage below:

Today, The Park invites you to explore its deadly areas on Steam, Humble Store, NVIDIA GeForce NOW Store, GreenManGaming, and GamersGate at a sweet 23% discounted promotional price of $9.99 (original $12.99). Keep in mind that The Park is a short story, claiming to be only one to two hours worth of acventguring, but it intends to fill you with a memorable experience that will possess you for many years to come. So if you're in the mood for a spooky game, be sure to visit The Park as it has scored very positive scores on Steam.


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