For Honor is Moving to Dedicated Servers According to Ubisoft

For Honor is Moving to Dedicated Servers According to Ubisoft

Moving on up.

AS Unreal by AS Unreal on Jul 27, 2017 @ 01:59 PM (Staff Bios)
Dedicated servers are always a good thing for an online game. They are basically the norm for online gaming right now, so when you're playing a game without them it can be quite frustrating. Ubisoft is finally acknowledging this problem with their hit game, For Honor, and are deciding to make some changes.

Damien Kieken, Ubisoft's Game Director for For Honor, talked in Ubisoft's blog about the future of For Honor. This includes some information regarding changes, updates, new content, and more. He also wanted to make sure that people know about their plan to change their servers.

So basically, since we launched the game, weve faced new online challenges. We saw that we had connectivity and stability problems, mostly on 4v4 modes, so its one of the things weve looked at and worked on a lot since the game launched. And during that process, we decided to do an analysis of the whole online infrastructure we have and compare it to other existing ones. And in the end, based on all the data we gathered we decided to do the move and to migrate to a dedicated server technology, for many, many different reasons.

One of them, and the main reason for us, is that we want to improve the stability of the matches on 4v4, and we want to have an architecture that is more long-term, that could help us more in the future for the things we want to do next. And then you have some very simple examples; with dedicated servers, you dont have session host migration anymore, so there is no game pausing when somebody leaves the session. You wont have to manage your NATs. You dont have to check your NAT if you want to play with a friend or things like that. So it will also help greatly the overall experience of the player, from matchmaking to the game session itself, to playing with friends, and things like that.

This is definitely a great move for Ubisoft and the future of For Honor. Hopefully this change happens sooner, rather than later.


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