Father Hires Higher Level Gamers to Kill Sons RPG Character

Father Hires Higher Level Gamers to Kill Sons RPG Character

Maybe this Dad is onto something?

Ranga14 by Ranga14 on Jan 20, 2013 @ 05:31 PM (Staff Bios)
Father Hires Higher LVL Gamers to Kill Sons RPG Character

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Now this is quite the interesting story on a father that wanted his rather unprotudutive son to get a job instead of playing video games all day. Have a read below;

Is there a damn pesky kid in your life who just won't put down the video games? You could just take the games away and lock them in a closet until a lesson is learned, you could take away Internet access, or you could get creative, as one dad in China did, and hire in-game hitman to take your MMORPG addicted son down.

This particular father, identified only as "Mr. Feng," had a problem with his son that a lot of American moms and dads can probably identify with: his son Xiao just wouldn't put down his video games.

According to Mr. Feng, Xiao considered himself an expert in various Chinese online games, but his obsession with getting bigger and badder in the virtual world was beginning to seriously affect his future. His grades suffered, he couldn't hold a job, and he didn't even seem to want to look for one. All Xiao wanted, it seemed to his father, was to game all day and all night.

Feng's solution to his son's apparent apathy toward anything beyond the confines of his computer was to track down other players in Xiao's games and hire them to kill his son's characters over and over. We're not sure how he found them or how much he paid them, but Feng managed to pick up players who were all higher-level than his son, and they went to work.

Feng's theory was that if Xiao got killed by other characters every single time he logged on to his favorite games, he'd get frustrated and quit. It didn't quite work out that way. While Xiao did indeed get pissed because he couldn't keep his characters alive, his reaction wasn't to give up the games. It was to stand up to his father.

"I can play or I can not play, it doesn't bother me," Xiao reportedly said. "I'm not looking for any job--I want to take some time to find one that suits me."

Apparently Feng was rather "relieved" by his son's response, but we don't know if the hit squads have been called off yet. Either way, this whole tale could serve as an inspiration to parents worldwide, and you know what that means: Start sharpening your swords, high-level gamers, because you could soon be earning extra cash as a member of an MMORPG hit squad.

Source: Blastr


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