Far Cry: Primal to have Torture, Human Trophies, and Sexytimes

Far Cry: Primal to have Torture, Human Trophies, and Sexytimes

Sounds like all aces to me.

pocru by pocru on Dec 30, 2015 @ 05:34 AM (Staff Bios)
It being that time between the holidays and the new year, where most developers have the week off, it can be a little hard to find news--unless, of course, you’re Michelle McLean, in which case you’re supernaturally and suspiciously good at it. But just because some members of the gaming community are on break, that doesn’t mean they all are--and as pointed out by Kotaku, the latest game from Ubisoft and the next in the Far Cry franchise, Far Cry Primal, has finally been rated by the ESRB.

To the surprise of no one, it’s been given an M-rating. Given that every Far Cry game has so far been rated M, and that they focus on killing people guerilla-style while skinning animals and living on the land, I don’t think we can say that bit is news. But, as is often the case with ESRB ratings, they also listed a bunch of reasons WHY the game has been given the rating it has… and they reveal some interesting details on the contents of the game.

From the website:

“One cutscene depicts a character being held in a fire while screaming; another depicts Takkar [the protagonist] tapping a hole in another character's skull as the man screams. Some scenes depict corpses in various states of mutilation: heads and torsos on spikes; ears cut off and kept as trophies; headless bodies lying in pools of blood. Certain scenes or camera angles can depict male genitalia under garments or in shadows; some female characters are depicted topless. A handful of scenes depict characters engaged in sexual activity while clothed; grunts and short moans can be heard, though no explicit details are seen.”

So we’ve got torture, mutilation, and most damningly--boobies and penises. Given that this takes place in the stone age, tasteful nudity is to be expected. Torture, maybe not, but hey--it was a more primitive time back then, pun intended, so I guess we can’t blame them for going back to their base instinct. Also intended.

Also, good to see some Bioware-style sex in there. Would hate for it to not be awkward to play in public.


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