Expect Puddles to Dry Out in Homefront: The Revolution

Expect Puddles to Dry Out in Homefront: The Revolution

But will people notice?

Michelle McLean by Michelle McLean on Nov 05, 2015 @ 10:53 PM (Staff Bios)
Many players love graphical touches, but many will hardly notice some subtle effects that make a game that much more beautiful. Take, for example, Homefront: The Revolution. In many games, droplets pound against puddles, creating a neat ripple effect. However, Homefront: The Revolution takes this one step further by ensuring that these puddles fill and dry out. According to Dambuster Studios' CJ Kershner in a discussion with WCCF Tech:

"There are puddles that form in the street and then when the sun comes out those puddles slowly dry up."

He also admits that this brings no gameplay value, but it's still pretty neat to know. I think it would make a game just slightly more immersive. Kershner continues, saying it's "hard to encourage players to just stand there and watch water evaporating."

"But it's one of those little touches that we've added that really makes the city feel very vibrant and dynamic and alive."

But the developers also have other effects up their sleeves that we will be witnessing in the title:

"We've also got a lot of other interesting things going on with our rendering, with our particle system; the goal is that every time a player enters an area, whether it's day, whether it's night, whether it's raining or it's foggy or clear, you get a very interesting and visually arresting scene as your playground."

Homefront: The Revolution will be hitting the PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One sometime in 2016.


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