Europe Celebrates 5 Years of PlayStation Plus by Sending the Most Loyal a Gift

Europe Celebrates 5 Years of PlayStation Plus by Sending the Most Loyal a Gift

Surprise! It's a print.

Michelle McLean by Michelle McLean on Jun 29, 2015 @ 01:09 PM (Staff Bios)
Happy fifth anniversary of PlayStation Plus! That's right, on June 29, 2010, the membership service launched and delivered over 350 free games, throughout a stretch of five years, for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation Vita into the palms of members (provided that they retain the membership).

A fun fact provided on the EU PlayStation blog: PlayStation Plus has also provided quality PlayStation online multiplayer experiences, stating that a whopping 270 million hours were spent playing FIFA 15... alone.

The number can be equated to over 181.2 million 90-minute soccer (football in EU) games. Which is... a lot, to say the least. To celebrate the anniversary, PlayStation EU rewarded those who remained loyal since the launch date with a limited edition physical gift. Those rewarded will receive e-mails regarding the gift. One commenter submitted their e-mail to the public:

An anniversary gift from PlayStation Plus

PlayStation Plus is turning five. To thank you for being a member from the very start we'd like to send you a personalized print, but we'll need your address by 13 July 2015. Your print will be unique to you and show everything you've achieved as a PlayStation Plus member. Please supply your address before 13 July 2015 if you'd like to receive one -- don't worry, we won't use your address for anything else.
We're proud to have so many dedicated players who have been with us since the beginning.
Thanks for being part of five fantastic years!

It's unclear to say that North Americans will be receiving the same treatment, but so far, the gift seems to only apply to Europe.
It has also been confirmed that, to be eligible, members must have joined PlayStation Plus on June 29, 2010 and remained members for all five years -- as in no hour or day lapses. We can also confirm that the gift is a limited edition print, which is a tad lackluster in comparison to Xbox Live's loyalty gift. For those curious, those that have subscribed to Xbox Live for ten years (2002 - 2012) received limited edition Xbox 360 consoles for free.
Then again, it has only been the five year anniversary for PlayStation Plus, so maybe at ten years, people could receive a free console?
On a side note, there are rumors floating about that Rocket League may make it onto PlayStation Plus' July Freebies. Other predicted games include Killzone Shadow, Rayman Legends, Nidhogg, and Ride.


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