Epic Isn't Working on Unreal Tournament Anymore

Epic Isn't Working on Unreal Tournament Anymore

What. Oh no. How could this happen.

pocru by pocru on Dec 06, 2018 @ 01:07 AM (Staff Bios)
Epic Games sure is busy these days. Not only are they running the biggest game in the world right now (that would be Fortnite, in case you’ve been enjoying living under a rock for the past four years), but they just announced that they would be launching their own digital storefront that looks to overthrow the increasingly unpopular Steam by giving developers a bigger cut of the sales, and making things even cheaper if developers use the Epic engine. So with all that going on, it’s not very surprising that Epic Games might not have time for some of their other obligations and titles: which is why no one was exactly shocked when Epic founder and CEO Tim Sweeney, in an interview with Variety, said that Unreal Tournament wasn’t being worked on anymore.

“‘Unreal Tournament’ remains available in the store but isn’t actively developed. We’ve recently worked with GOG on making classic Epic Games titles available and we’re planning to bring more of them to the store in their original glory.”

The original announcement for the ninth game in the series was made in 2014, back when the world made sense and loot boxes didn’t exist. However, even after being launched with great acclaim and excitement, updates and improvements on this well-loved remake were slow: and the most recent update for the game was back in the summer of last year. And even then people sort of figured it wasn’t exactly Epic’s biggest priority.

While the game isn’t officially dead or canceled (there’s no real need to do that yet), it may as well be. By the time Fortnite stops bleeding money out of every pore, it’s likely Epic will have a new engine and most of the work they’ve done on this game will need re-doing anyway. But still, having the originals back on GoG (and presumably the Epic Store) ain’t too bad either.

Better than nothing, anyway.


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