EA Showcases E3 Gameplay for Need for Speed

EA Showcases E3 Gameplay for Need for Speed

Vroom, vroom.

Michelle McLean by Michelle McLean on Jun 15, 2015 @ 02:57 PM (Staff Bios)
The first thing to appear after the announcement of the short-lived Mass Effect Andromeda? Welcome the reboot of Need for Speed. It's all about the chase with this one, but it does require online connectivity 100% of the time. Earn reputation and experience to become the ultimate icon. Explore the city of Ventura and the countrysides, all while avoiding the clutches of the police. It comes with deep customization and a new narrative style that contains five overlapping stories. The first will focus on speed, second is style, third is build, fourth is crew, and fifth, outlaw. Have to admit the visuals, from cars to human appearances, are extremely impressive. The gameplay video showcases customization, ranging from parts to appearances for a lot of sections of your ride. During races or exploration, the camera is dynamic, tailing after your vehicle, but is this a good thing?

I feel as if it could produce a bit of motion sickness. Nifty Copycat Tweets are in this, showcased post-race, and as mentioned previously, you can seamlessly explore the city directly after racing as the cops remain on your tail. Sorry, you're not off the hook, buddy.

Here's the official E3 Trailer below:

And here lies the official E3 Need for Speed gameplay:

The reboot will arrive on November 3 for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.


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