E3 2019: Cris Tales is a Classic RPG With a Time-Twisting Premise

E3 2019: Cris Tales is a Classic RPG With a Time-Twisting Premise

Look into the past, the present, and the future.

pocru by pocru on Jun 11, 2019 @ 09:58 AM (Staff Bios)
One of the great joys of E3’s PC gaming show was that it showcased a lot of games no one had ever heard of: lots of new IPs from new studios, and lots and lots of games that haven’t been leaked yet. One such game only had a minute on the stage, but it left quite the impression while it was there: Cris Tales.

We don’t know much about it right now, but we do know three things for sure: firstly, it looks absolutely jaw-dropping. The style is crisp, familiar, and yet still unique and the animations look gorgeous. Secondly, the mechanic of playing through three time periods looks innovative, and it’s certainly an interesting spin on a JRPG staple, but how it will actually play is still a bit of a mysterious curiosity. And finally, it’s made by the peeps at Modus Games, a fairly small studio without anything really prestigious under their belt. They were responsible for the messy and largely ignored Attack on Titan clone extinction, and the warmly-received but also largely ignored Degrees of Separation.

This game, however, might just be the thing to get them their 15 minutes of real fame.

I’ll be keeping an eye on this one.


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