Doom Movie Reboot in the Works

Doom Movie Reboot in the Works

Speculation? Rebooting the 1st Doom movie, really???

Ranga14 by Ranga14 on Mar 10, 2011 @ 03:55 PM (Staff Bios)
Several sources are posting about the potential of a reboot of the 2005 Doom movie that starred Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Karl Urban. Universal is said to have the rights and is in the early stages of development. It's being said that they'll pretend the 2005 version didn't exist (thank god) and will feature a new cast (although Karl Urban was good IMO and should return I hope).

What do you think? Should a new Doom even be made? Should it be focused on what Doom really is? Demons from Hell that spawn through portals or more like the last (resident evil virus style, yuck).



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