Digital Extremes Takes Parkour by the Horns and Ropes it into Warframe

Digital Extremes Takes Parkour by the Horns and Ropes it into Warframe

Parkour is becoming mighty popular in video games...

Michelle McLean by Michelle McLean on Mar 10, 2015 @ 02:01 PM (Staff Bios)
Remember the announcement for huge news at PAX regarding Digital Extremes' free-to-play title Warframe? Well, PAX has finally ended and heart-throbbing announcements have poured into the ears and eyes of the audience.

Plenty of exciting features and items, such as the unveiling of Parkour 2.0, a new enemy faction, a new Dragon-themed Warframe, new Melee Weapons, a new Sanctuary area, and a new Prime Warframe, have been announced at TennoLive, the exclusive live community event hosted by the Warframe Development team. Though the news is definitely hype-worthy and amazing, many have to wonder a bit about Parkour 2.0.

To shed a little light, Parkour 2.0 is a new system that will expose the true beauty of the Warframe, as it grants the machines new methods of navigation with "swag moves" while simultaneously battling with weapons such as the Mios, a Community Concept weapon, the Puncture Glaive, and the Dark Dakra to commemorate the two-year anniversary of Warframe.

Additionally, players will face a new enemy faction, named the Sentients, and be able to explore the new PvP-focused capture-the-flag game called, "Capture the Cephalon."

Those still curious can turn into the bi-weekly Warframe Devstreams at Twitch, with the next stream beginning at 2:00 p.m. EDT on March 20th. For those that have missed the PAX East event, they can always watch video on the official Warframe channel on YouTube.

Truth be told, when Parkour 2.0 is introduced, you can bet that I will be on the playing field with a Warframe.


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