Destiny to add Microtransactions, but Free Story Content

Destiny to add Microtransactions, but Free Story Content

Free stuff and stuff you can buy! Something for everyone!

pocru by pocru on Oct 06, 2015 @ 01:41 AM (Staff Bios)
Destiny recently launched The Taken King, and according to early reviews, it’s looking like another game-changing DLC that’s so good, you figuratively (and literally, since a lot of old content is locked behind new doors) cannot play without it. But while old fans are more than happy with the direction Destiny is going, there are still problems--namely, new fans are going to have a real hard time getting involved in a game that has 3 huge expansions barely a year after launch.

So Bungie has two ways it can tackle the problem--they can either improve accessibility and reduce prices to draw in new blood… OR… they can drain that old blood for every cent they have!

Guess which one they picked.

According to sources within the company, then later officially announced by Bungie, Destiny will soon have Microtransactions put into the game via a new shop run by Tess Everis. Now, put down those pitchforks, ladies and gents, because while no one is happy with microtransactions this one might actually be a net good: not only will this microtransaction store only sell cosmetic goods, like skins and special emotes, but when the store opens it will mark an extended period (at least a year) of free story, missions, and ‘mini-expansions’.

So, it’s a trade-off, but assuming you’re not nauseous from rage at the inclusion of DLC, I’d say it actually works out better for the average player.

Well regardless of how you actually feel about it, it’s happening anyway, and will begin on October 13th. So get those credit cards ready.


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