Destiny Bug Lets You Use Microtransaction Item for Free

Destiny Bug Lets You Use Microtransaction Item for Free

And here's how you do it.

pocru by pocru on Dec 10, 2015 @ 10:15 AM (Staff Bios)
So, Destiny developer and harrowing cord-related pastime Bungie recently unveiled sparrow racing, a minigame where you can use those swag, floating motorcycle things to speed along and race other players. It’s cool, and to supplement that cool, Bungie also launched some new microtransactions items--namely, the SRL Record Book, which, when purchased, allows you to complete objectives and tasks on the track, which will then unlock you some cool new swag.

Neat, right? Well, maybe a little neater than you’d think, and certainly more neat than Bungie intended, because a new bug was recently discovered (and will very quickly be fixed, if it hasn’t been fixed already) that basically allows you to get all the benefits of the SRL Record Book with none of the cost. Assuming Bungie doesn’t take them away once they fix the bug. Which they probably will, to keep things fair for the people who actually spent money on it.

It’s pretty straightforward, actually: all you have to do is complete the objectives on the SRL Record Book, then go to the preview screen in the cash shop for the book, and unlock each one normally, netting the armor and cosmetics you’d normally have to pay to have a chance to earn.

Now, like I said, it’s overwhelmingly likely Bungie will fix this soon, and that the ill-gotten goods won’t remain, so if nothing else, consider exploiting this just for a preview of the stuff you could legitimately earn, rather than a pure cheat. Assuming they don’t ban accounts that attempt it. Which they might. Who knows?


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