Deep Silver Ensures We Will Never Escape Dead Island

Deep Silver Ensures We Will Never Escape Dead Island

Budget priced shovelware is a pretty good way to kill any hype for Dead Island 2

Ryan Kerns by Ryan Kerns on Jul 01, 2014 @ 11:07 AM (Staff Bios)
Dead Island was a cult hit when it came out back in 2011... even though it was buggy as hell, there was just something very satisfying about visceral first person zombie slaying. Plus the game posed the existential question of "who do you vodoo? BITCH!". 
Sadly that was the high point of the series... the 2013 sequel Dead Island Riptide was a bigger mess than the original game, and the novelty had worn off at that point. So of course you follow that up with a free to play (and pay to win) MOBA called Dead Island Epidemic... because if you were a fan of the franchise you're obviously a sadomasochist. 
So after any hope of the series being good was gone, we get an E3 announcement that Dead Island 2 is actually in the very capable hands of the developer of Spec Ops: The Line
That good will towards their customers lasted just about three weeks. 
I give you: Escape Dead Island. A third person Dead Island survival game that is way too colorful to make any comparisons to Resident Evil. The game looks very cheap and one would assume this is a downloadable title... but nope, this passes for a retail game. Deep Silver is at least aware enough that they can't pass this thing off for more than $40. If you're that one guy who actually cares about the Dead Island storyline, this is suppose to tell the origin of the virus... and for everyone else I'll point out buying this garbage will at least get you into the 2015 beta for Dead Island 2.


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