Crummy PS4 Sales in China Due to Game Censorship, According to Sony

Crummy PS4 Sales in China Due to Game Censorship, According to Sony

Well, a lot of games are violent...

Michelle McLean by Michelle McLean on Sep 20, 2015 @ 01:50 PM (Staff Bios)
Though PlayStation 4 console sales have been booming worldwide, the platform hasn't been doing exactly great in one area of the world--China. This problem is fortunately explainable, as it has been extremely recent that restrictions on video game consoles have been lifted. However, games are still facing a difficult censorship regime that's keeping them from the hands of eager Chinese gamers. Games that promote obscenity, drug use, and violence cannot be flaunted in China, and gambling and negative depictions of the country are outright banned.

Back in April of this year, it was clear that only six PlayStation 4 games were approved for the Chinese consumer, one of them being Knack. However, games such as Call of Duty, Killzone: Shadowfall, Grand Theft Auto, and even Bloodborne are completely banned from the country. Additionally, games and DLC must go through a lengthy check for approval, which can be quite problematic for everyone involved. Additionally, gamers are already used to and are happy with mobile and PC gaming, making the marketing of consoles that much harder.

However, like marketing for everyone, it's a challenge. Entering the Chinese market is a new challenge for Sony, but one that would prove quite valuable if cracked. Looks like we will have to see if Sony's efforts will be in vain.


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