Conan Exiles Gets New Emotes: What Follows is Terrifying

Conan Exiles Gets New Emotes: What Follows is Terrifying

Proceed at your own risk.

JesseCecchetto by JesseCecchetto on Apr 25, 2017 @ 05:04 PM (Staff Bios)
WARNING: You will see full male nudity in the video game form embedded in the GIF's at the end of this article. Proceed at your own peril. 

Conan Exiles is an open-world survival game very similar to, well, pretty much every other game in the genre. Open-world survival games are very popular on steam right now, and Conan Exiles is another addition to the roster. Similar to Rust, Conan Exiles has a comedic twist to it because of the fact that you can choose whether or not you want your character to be completely nude. Most people usually end up taking the naked route.  When it released, it was a pretty popular game for Youtubers because of the opportunity to make funny content in the form of a bunch of naked dudes jumping all over the place. Simple comedy, but funny none the less.

Recently, Conan Exiles added some new emotes into the game and let's just say, the nudity has been taken to a whole other level. If you thought watching a barbarian's pillar and stones flopping around was funny/gross enough, then imagine that same thing, but while running and dancing at the same time. Actually, you don't have to imagine because I'm going to show you regardless. I think it's safe to say we'll see some more comedic content re-surface on Youtube in honor of these new emotes and potential genitalia shenanigans. Other than the nudity and genitalia slider (yes you can make your penis bigger or smaller in the game), Conan Exiles doesn't have much going for it and the Steam reviews are fairly mixed. 

Not only is it in early access, but it's terribly similar to many other open-world survival games on the market. While it may be lacking in many departments, nudity and comedy definitely aren't any of them. While these new emotes are incredibly funny, I don't think it's enough to make me buy the game. Either way, they're definitely a nice touch. 

These GIF's are terrifying without a doubt, but honestly, I can get past the jiggly penis and balls: It's the unnaturally folding limbs that really creep me out. Feast your eyes on this horror, if you dare.


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