The game was originally created by Mark Foster, David Fenn, and Andrew Gleeson at the game jam event with the theme, "You only get one."
Quoting composer David Fenn:
Titan Souls wouldn't have existed if it wasn't for the original Ludum Dare game jam, which saw your hero take down three titans with a single arrow, and gave birth to the core concept behind the entire game. Now that the development is complete, we thought it'd be fun to celebrate our journey by remaking this original sample of Titan Souls, replacing the bosses with their full-game counterparts that each of these initial ideas evolved into, and enhancing it with the new engine, graphics and audio.
The game is expected to be death heavy, secretive, and titan-filled. In other words, this game screams Dark Souls in terms of difficulty.
You can pre-order Titan Souls and Titan Souls: Digital Special Edition on Steam, Humble, and GOG for 10% off. The Special Edition will include the full original soundtrack, a digital artbook and world map, and a collection of high-resolution desktop backgrounds. The game will release on PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, PC, and Mac on April 14.
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