CoD Ghosts Brings in Over 1 Billion Dollars in Revenue

CoD Ghosts Brings in Over 1 Billion Dollars in Revenue

Call of Duty Ghosts reaches the Billion Dollar Milestone on Day One

cronikgamer by cronikgamer on Nov 09, 2013 @ 11:15 AM (Staff Bios)
CoD Ghosts Brings in Over 1 Billion Dollars in Revenue

Posted Image

Call of Duty: Ghosts generated over $1 billion in revenue the first day it was released, although this only includes sales to retailers, not consumers. GTAV brought in a billion dollars in revenue in three days, and that's counting sales to consumers, not retailers. Still, this is quite an accomplishment for Activision and the CoD franchise. It appears that 2013 has been a great year for CoD, Activision says, "in the last 12 months, Call of Duty: Black Ops II, including its digital content, generated more revenues than any other console game ever has in a single year", and of course a franchise that big will have its haters. Many critics claim CoD: Ghosts has "lost" to GTAV and Black Ops II, but Ghosts will probably bring in much more revenue throughout the year.

GameStop claims that Call of Duty" Ghosts was the most pre-ordered game, and Activision expects it to be the biggest launch title for next generation consoles like the Playstation 4.

Here is what Activision said during a press release:

Millions of people are already playing Call of Duty: Ghosts online. Since its release yesterday, Call of Duty: Ghosts has moved to the #1 spot as the most played game on Xbox Live, according to Microsoft. Additionally, Activision confirmed that on the Xbox 360 videogames and entertainment system from Microsoft, average player sessions for Ghosts have been longer than either Black Ops II or Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, during the same time period.


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