Chimps vs. Humans: A Cognitive Game Study Released

Chimps vs. Humans: A Cognitive Game Study Released

Who wins when Man vs. Ape?

AugustSun by AugustSun on Mar 16, 2014 @ 05:40 PM (Staff Bios)
Well, it seems to be the end of the world as we know it, everybody. A recent study has shown that chimpanzees can outperform most children and some adults in pathfinding, as well as general puzzle solving. In some instances, the humans asked for help in the puzzles, only to be told "I cant give the chimps answers". At times, the chimps were reluctant to participate, but after being bribed by various snacks (and their favorite, M&M's) they joined in. Blue squares would lead them in the right direction, while brown triangles would ward them from the wrong way. One of said chimps, (lazily) named Panzee performed exceptionally well, taking shorter routes than most of the kids, and even some of the adults.


"Oh crap, there goes the planet."

I can't not think of this. Is this it? Are we officially screwed? Probably not, but admit it, you can't help but think of it too. Though these were lab animals, and had previous experience with the game, it's still pretty impressive to see cognitive abilities of this level. Personally, I think it'd be hilarious to watch a hoard of ape people hauling ass across a bridge, destroying every single car in the way. Then again, it'd probably be MY car on that bridge. Pretty sure insurance doesn't cover rioting wild primates.

Just my luck, huh?


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