Cheat Bloodborne with this Item Duplication Glitch

Cheat Bloodborne with this Item Duplication Glitch

The Hunted becomes the Hunter

pocru by pocru on Mar 30, 2015 @ 02:30 PM (Staff Bios)
Instead of discussing some actual news affecting the gaming world today, I would instead like to call your attention to From Software’s latest celebration of death, Bloodborne. You see, I very much like this game, and I won’t be passing on many opportunities to write about it, especially if I can be helping my fellow hunters.

Which is what brings me to the subject of this article.

Bloodborne, as I’m sure you’ve deduced through experience or word of mouth, is a difficult game—a very difficult game, at parts. And while you can summon help for some parts (and get good for the other parts), there are some parts that may just seem impossible—and in those cases, we “cheese”—or abuse game mechanics/AI to make a confrontation easier. And if Cheesing doesn’t work, well… there’s still one recourse left for the desperate hunter.

A glitch. Which I will offer to you now.

Demon’s and Dark Souls have a history of item duplication glitches, for some reason, and while some might say it ruins the fun to abuse them, well, no one can blame you for wanting to play the game your way, especially if the deaths are becoming too numerous for you to tolerate. And if you need the help, well… here you go, here’s how you can duplicate any consumable item in the game.

Fortunately, it’s extremely easy, and can be performed very early in the game.
  • Make a new character in any slot. Progress them through the game far enough that they reach the first lantern in Central Yharnam. That’s about five minutes into the game.
  • Go to your main account and empty out your storage locker. Take everything out.
  • Go back to your new character, and buy a pebble from the messengers. Just one. Put it in storage. Make sure it’s the only thing in your new character’s storage.
  • Now go to your main character again and put one consumable item into your storage chest. It can be anything from Throwing Knives to Molotov Cocktails or even the consumable blood echo items, but make sure there's only one.
  • Go to the store and buy pebbles. As man pebbles as you want. Now, whenever you buy items from the store, any more than the max stack (20, in pebble’s case) are supposed to go into the storage chest. But this glitch means all the ‘overflow’ pebbles are instead changed into duplicates of the item in your chest. So if you’re holding 15 pebbles, and you buy 10 more, you’ll get 5 more copies of whatever is currently in your storage chest.
  • Tada! You did it!
So now you know how to duplicate items. It’s easy, and since pebbles are so cheap, you can easily duplicate this as many times as you want or need to get as many items as you want. Is it honorable or fair? Of course not. But it’s your game, and since you can only carry 20 of any consumable at any given time, you’d be hard-pressed to argue using it cheats others in multiplayer, so it’s basically victimless.

That said, you’d better do it soon—it won’t be long before From patches this, I’m sure.


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