CharityStars Auction Offers the Chance to Meet King Founder Riccardo Zacconi

CharityStars Auction Offers the Chance to Meet King Founder Riccardo Zacconi

However, travel expenses won't be included.

Michelle McLean by Michelle McLean on Dec 28, 2015 @ 05:22 PM (Staff Bios)
Who wants a chance at meeting the man who founded King Digital Entertainment back in 2003? Well, Riccardo Zacconi will be starring in a special CharityStars auction, where people can bid to win a dinner with Zacconi in London. The winner will be able to sit down with the Italian businessman and listen to his tale of how King bloomed into one of the largest companies in gaming. Zacconi will also be discussing with the winner the future of the gaming industry.

The auction will be benefitting La Casa Pediatrica dell'Azienda Ospedaliera di Rilievo Nazionale Fatebenefratelli and the new charity Oftalmico di Milano. If you'd like to bid for your chance to win, you can head here.

The auction will end January 8, 2016, and the lunch will be held three months after. Unfortunately, the meal and transport costs are not included in the auction, and thus will be the sole responsibility of the winner.


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