Blizzard Reveals New Overwatch Hero, Sigma

Blizzard Reveals New Overwatch Hero, Sigma

And he'll destroy Megaman if it's the last thing he does.

pocru by pocru on Jul 23, 2019 @ 12:55 AM (Staff Bios)
Overwatch is known for a few things: killing Battleborne, helping make hero shooters the second most popular genre on the planet right now, being run by the terrible Activision-Blizzard, and of course, having a wide and whacky cast of Pixar rejects that ranges from fat men in pig masks to hamsters in battle mechs fashioned out of crashed satellites. The most recent new hero, a formerly evil mercenary who now heals people with a grenade launcher, was shockingly ‘tame’ by Overwatch’s standards, which is why it’s a delight to announce that the next new hero is firmly seated on the crazy train to nutstown. His name is Sigma. He sees math. He controls gravity.


Peek inside the mind of an eccentric astrophysicist who hopes to unlock the secrets of the universe, unaware he’s been turning into a living weapon: Introducing Sigma.

So, long story short, he was a scientists who started messing around with black holes. For some reason, this made him insane, put music in his brain, and gave him a giant mech suit which he uses for evil. I’m not quite sure how a black hole is supposed to do all that, but Blizzard has always been way more keen on the “fiction” than the “science” in their little Sci-Fi shooter, so if they can have floating Jesus robots and purple-skinned assassins, then sure. Black Holes turn you into a mad scientist.

Credit where it’s due, the video is pretty well made, and a lot more interesting than some of their earlier work, and do a good job illustrating his decent to madness. It does a less good job explaining why he’s suddenly evil, but to be fair they never explicitly say he wasn’t evil before his transformation.

I’m going on too long. Sigma will be released on the public test servers soon, and we’ll see how he uses his infinite powers to kill gorillas and medics who cure their patients with raw funk.


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