Blizzard Confirms that Symmetra has Autism

Blizzard Confirms that Symmetra has Autism

Why haven't my letters been answered?

JesseCecchetto by JesseCecchetto on Mar 10, 2017 @ 04:34 PM (Staff Bios)
For some time now, the Overwatch community has speculated that Symmetra may have autism, and its finally been confirmed. Responding to a fan letter, game director Jeff Kaplan confirmed that Symmetra does indeed have autism, and they she is one of the most beloved heroes by the team at Blizzard. Not only is it amazing that he finally confirmed the communities speculation, but he also is taking the time to answer fan letters, which definitely needs to be applauded.

Speculation about Symmetra having autism was based on a comment she made in a comic based on her, titled A Better World. In the comic she says "Asking where I fit on the spectrum, it used to bother me. Because I knew it was true. It doesnt bother me anymore. Because I can do things nobody else can do". While this comment is relatively vague, it was still enough to spark suspicion in the community.

Overwatch is a game that's well known for being as diverse as their player base. They've always been going to great lengths to make their heroes as varied as possible and were slowly finding out just how diverse our favorite characters are. The game focuses on teamwork, acceptance and bravery, some things that the world is lacking at the moment. Overwatch is setting a trend for the future, and Blizzard needs to be recognized for not only making an outstanding game but also for spreading a positive message to their audience.


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