Blizzard Changing Mercy's Ultimate Ability

Blizzard Changing Mercy's Ultimate Ability

Don't worry, you can still waste it.

pocru by pocru on Aug 25, 2017 @ 12:42 AM (Staff Bios)
Don't worry: I don't plan on making any puns based off of character names in this article. But who knows, one might accidentally slip out.

Anyway. Overwatch has been out for well over a year now, and in that time, Blizzard has added new characters, maps, and other useless junk to the popular FPS hero shooter. People still love it, but the game, of course, is far from perfect (and I'm not just talking about the stupid loot boxes that are still everywhere). And while we're accustomed to heroes getting tweaks and adjustments here and there, Blizzard has never yet re-worked an entire existing hero.

Until now, at least.

See, Blizzard has realized that a hero that can undo all the hard work the enemy team has put into killing you with the click of a button isn't very much fun and can make a great moment of teamwork and coordination into a meaningless exercise in drudgery. So, in the interest of making Mercy more fun to play against, they're giving her a gameplay update.

Specifically, her ult, which once resurrected her whole team in one healing blast, now only targets one fallen ally, has a long cool-down, and has been changed from an ult to one of her basic abilities. Her new ult gives her a general boost of damage, mobility, and utility, allowing Mercy to fly without rest, shoot faster, and heal more efficiently.

They call it Valkyrie mode.

Anyway. It looks like a smart, reasonable thing to do, but not all "Mercys" are a big fan of it. The ability to resurrect your entire team was game-changing, especially for a game where KDA doesn't matter as much as objective control. This might make Mercy less attractive, but, it also might make her a bit less dominant, and when is that a bad thing?

It's not. It's never a bad thing.

Calm yourself, internet haters.


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