Black Ops 3 PC Port Plagued with Plights

Black Ops 3 PC Port Plagued with Plights

A precarious predicament for PC peeps

pocru by pocru on Nov 09, 2015 @ 05:34 AM (Staff Bios)
Batman: Arkham Knight on the PC appears to be broken forever, as countless patches have lead to very little progress and a very frustrated WB finally admitting they might just not be able to make sense of that big hot mess currently sitting in the Steam Store. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be a unique story--just about every company is having a hard time with PC Gaming, it seems, with several high-profile games like Pro Evolution Soccer and Final Fantasy Type-0 failing to compare to their console kin making people nervous about ports in general. Unfortunately, it seems Activision has fallen into a similar trap with the recently-released (and largely well-praised) Call of Duty: Black Ops 3.
Fans are flooding the forums and Reddit with problems, mostly a stuttering frame rate and a serious case of data leakage that can cause a game to crash after only five to ten minutes of gameplay… you know, the kind of thing you can’t just ‘deal’ with while you wait for developer Treyarch to patch it.

Now, while Treyarch did recommend some fixes (if you have a 60hz monitor, you can try enabling Vsync and setting your FPS Cap to 58) that only helps with the stuttering, not the infinitely more troublesome matter of preventing playtime longer than a fourth of a mission. They have promised to look into it over the weekend, and will hopefully have a fix ready by then--and heck, I believe them. CoD has a bad history with PC Ports, but a good history of fixing them quickly, so we can probably expect to see this issue resolved sometime this week. All the same, if you’re dying to dig your teeth into the latest CoD title, I suggest you either get a console version or wait for that fix, because you won’t be getting yours for a little while yet.


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