Bethesda's Game of Thrones Game Potentially Leaked

Bethesda's Game of Thrones Game Potentially Leaked

Well blow me down.

pocru by pocru on Aug 27, 2017 @ 11:45 PM (Staff Bios)
Someone who knows a damn thing about Game of Thrones should probably write this, since they could make all the in-jokes and references I can't, but someone's gotta report the news and I don't see anyone else around, so, hands tied.

Anyway. Bethesda, the company behind the RPG epic "The Elder Scrolls" might be getting a brand-new fantasy universe to play with in the coming months or years: in the wake of Telltale's subpar attempt at making a Game of Thrones title (which did well enough to warrant a second season, which is cool I suppose) it falls to another developer to take us to the world of Westeros and give us the experience we all really want: the ability to just... stab everybody. Every darn person. And, if NeoGAF is to be trusted (which typically it is), Bethesda is going to be the one to make that happen.

The leak itself is fairly tame: one user noticed that there was a very simple, unfurnished page on Target's website that simply said: Bethesda: Game of Thrones. There was no information, no pictures, no other words, just a blank page with that title. The page has since been taken down, but it was up long enough for people to see it and, of course, screen-grab the sucker.

So, what could this mean, then? Is Bethesda making a full triple-A Game of Thrones game, akin to their own fantasy games? Are they going to hire an outside studio and simply publish it? Will it be some mobile crap? Bethesda has said in past it's got at least 5 projects it's working on in secret, and this would definitely be a good reason to postpone the long-awaited Elder Scrolls 6, but it's way, way too soon to start jumping to conclusions.

...that said, there's nowhere else to jump right now, so, do you think this game will be true open world or will you have to pick a family to join first?


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