Bethesda to Finally Send Fallout 76 Fans the Promised Canvas bags

Bethesda to Finally Send Fallout 76 Fans the Promised Canvas bags

Turns out a lot can change in 12 hours.

pocru by pocru on Dec 04, 2018 @ 01:41 AM (Staff Bios)
In the ongoing train wreck called “Fallout 76,” the latest and biggest controversy so far has been the issue with the Canvas West Bag that was supposed to come with the Collector’s Edition of the game. When fans got a much cheaper, rattier nylon bag instead (which was, without question, a fine example of false advertising), Bethesda tried the usual game developer quick fixes: doing nothing, and when that didn’t work, pacifying the rage with five dollars worth of crappy in-game currency. But shockingly, these approaches didn’t placate an angry audience who spent $200 on the collector’s edition, so now, Bethesda has finally done what it should have done in the first place: it’s going to start giving fans their damn Canvas bags.

In a tweet last night, Bethesda said the following:

We are finalizing manufacturing plans for replacement canvas bags for the Fallout 76: Power Armor Edition. If you purchased the CE, please visit submit a ticket by Jan. 31, 2019. We’ll arrange to send you a replacement as soon as the bags are ready.

And there you have it. If you got the collector’s edition, you can now specially order the Canvas bag you were owed. I have to wonder exactly what Bethesda was thinking when this whole thing started. I mean, they couldn’t have been so stupid as to think people wouldn’t notice, would they? Or was it that they figured the game would be good enough that no one would care?

Well, whatever possessed them to pull this stunt, it’s certainly backfired on them now. Fans will no doubt know about this, so almost everyone who got the crappy nylon bag will be getting the Canvas bag as well, which will cost Bethesda big bucks, considering the shipping and everything involved. So I hope the rest of the games industry learns a lesson and… and…

…Ugh, nevermind. I forgot this is 2018, where nothing means anything and actions don’t matter.


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