Battlefield 3 Wish List

Battlefield 3 Wish List

Ranga14 by Ranga14 on Aug 09, 2010 @ 02:12 PM (Staff Bios)
Battlefield 3 Wish List

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With Battlefield 3 coming out eventually, decided to put together a bit of a wish list of features and such. From game play modes to play count, it's rather detailed and worth the read. Here's a snippet below...

More players: First off, let's bring back the idea of 64 or more players in a BF match. BF2 demonstrated that absolute madness and memories come about from jamming tons of people onto a map and watching chaos ensue, and the 24-player limit of BC2 pales in comparison to the best of BF2. MAG has shown that it's possible to do 256 players in a single session on a console, so BF3 needs to step up its player numbers. I realize it's unreasonable to ask for 256 players plus fully destructible environments, but surely we can get a decent chunk more than BC2's 24, and still maintain fidelity in demolition.

More classes: BC2 (and, well, Battlefield 2142) streamlined BF2's seven classes into just four. Rather than a simplified, four-guys-who-are-kind-of-decent-at-multiple-skills, let's go back to highly focused and defined classes. Re-separate sniper and spec-ops. Take BC2's engineer and reverse-engineer him back into an engineer and an anti-tank guy. And reward players who stick to one kit with a bigger set of focused tools and abilities. Have players get a better sense of role and identity, rather than the "I can do this and that" that you feel with BC2. While we're at it, bring back more factions and equipment -- we actually miss playing as the MEC during BC2.

More real estate: BF2 was famous for having varied map sizes based on player-count. So, in BF3, you can have your tight map for a 16-person game, and when the player count reaches 32, the map can grow to reveal more of the island you're fighting on. And when you hit 64, the entire island becomes playable. In BF2, a map could be measured in square kilometers that took considerable time to hoof across. And that sheer distance adds more gameplay variety than the "fighting down a straight corridor" method of BC2 -- you can have a better sense of multiple fronts, or individual squads carrying out flanking tactics to support a big main push, and so forth. One idea we have is that the maps are so damn big that they have crazy diverse regions within. Think of a 64-player match on a map where a city is surrounded by dense jungle, or a snow-covered mountain overlooking a forest. Essentially, a map so big that it feels like two distinct BC2 maps put into one large chunk of real estate.

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