Battleborn comes to your phone in Battleborn: Tap

Battleborn comes to your phone in Battleborn: Tap

If it comes to your phone in a good way is another question entirely.

pocru by pocru on May 04, 2016 @ 05:20 AM (Staff Bios)
Battleborn came out the other day, and from what I’ve heard, it’s alright. Not the earth-shaking revolution Gearbox was no doubt hoping for, some competition for its mega-hit Borderlands, but no one is really complaining. I mean, 7.9 metacritic aint’ bad, and I have a sneaking suspicion it’ll only get better the more reviews come in.

Anyway. To complement the release of their new game, Gearbox has also unveiled a new mobile app/game has been launched under the Battleborn umbrella, called “Battleborn Tap”. Check it:

Kind of looks like “Final Fantasy: All the Bravest”, with a touch more depth. Which doesn’t have to be bad. But while it seems unlikely anyone would play this for its own merits, there are other reasons to plug this into your phone… apparently, you can earn rewards in the mobile version that will transfer to the full game, such as loot packs and even skins.

So, if that grabs you, there are worse ways to spend your time. Like setting your facial hair on fire. Or, if you’re a girl, finding some facial hair and setting it on fire.


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