Atari Goes Healthy with the Atari Fit Mobile App

Atari Goes Healthy with the Atari Fit Mobile App

It's a great day for jogging to Pong!

Michelle McLean by Michelle McLean on Mar 19, 2015 @ 06:39 PM (Staff Bios)
Looks like Atari is attempting to change their game plan to gather consumers. Today, the company has announced the launch of Atari Fit for the iPhone, iPad touch, and Android.

So is it similar to games like Wii Fit?

Well, not quite. The app establishes incentives for people to become fit and healthy, like earning points in famous Atari games like Pong, Super Breakout, and Centipede.

It will probably garner plenty of attention, because more than 25 percent of US consumers use smartphone fitness apps, and most US consumers also play mobile games. Atari Fit has been developed in collaboration with Michael Porter, a National Academy of Sports Medicine certified personal trainer and performance enhancement specialist.

The app itself will feature over 100 exercies, 30 workout plans, and conditioning routines that will challenge everyone, no matter the level of the user. In terms of data, the app captures the user's distance, speed, pace, time, and calories burned within the comprehensive log-book. It is also compatible with the Fitbit, Jawbone, and Android Wear devices, and it can combine data with apps like RunKeeper, Apple Health, and Google Fit.

Quoting Porter:

Atari Fit provides a great balance of fitness and fun. The certified programs are safe, effective, and give users access to really comprehensive fitness routines, while additional features like the tracking capabilities, daily tips, Atari games, and multiple social components encourage users to engage with fitness in their everyday life.

The Atari Fit app is available to download for free on the App Store for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch and Google Play.


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