Anthem Trailer Goes Into More Detail About "Our World, My Story"

Anthem Trailer Goes Into More Detail About "Our World, My Story"

It doesn't look good.

pocru by pocru on Sep 03, 2018 @ 04:22 AM (Staff Bios)
Anthem is the first multiplayer-focused game Bioware has ever headed, and people are expectedly apprehensive about it. While Bioware has been making promises that it would still have the detailed story, world-building, and character development that people love about their games, other details that have emerged about the title seem to contradict those claims. For example, earlier last month they revealed the “Our World, My Story” system which would mean the players all share a world, but your home base, Fort Tarsis, would be unique to you and would change according to how you behave.

Well, at Pax West, Bioware released a trailer all about the Our World, My Story system, and unfortunately, it’s looking as underwhelming as we had feared.

At the heart of Anthem is the concept of Our World, My Story – the distinctive combination of a shared, dynamic world and a personal story. Discover how these two elements help create a connected world that remains unique to every player. Subscribe and be the first to see Anthem trailers and gameplay videos.

The “Our World” part seems fine. Typical Destiny-style fare. It’s the “My Story” part that seems savagely disappointing, and not just because we can’t romance people. While you do have “choices” in dialogue, you’re limited to two. And what’s more, there is nothing you can say or do that will lock you out of content: so no matter how much you make someone hate you, they’ll still give you quests, loot, and everything like that, meaning that the impact it actually makes is limited to how much you care about the characters.

This was done, as executive producer Mark Darrah explicitly said during a QA, to simplify the experience for people who might not be familiar with how Bioware typically does things. I, personally, never found having more than two choices especially confusing, but hey, maybe they focus-tested it and found this works best or whatever.

Either way, my interest in this game wanes more and more every day. And that makes me worry for the Bioware of tomorrow.


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