Adorable "Kitty Kitchen" Invades iOS and Android "2048" Style

Adorable "Kitty Kitchen" Invades iOS and Android "2048" Style

Definitely an adorable way to pass the time.

Michelle McLean by Michelle McLean on Dec 23, 2015 @ 03:07 PM (Staff Bios)
Okay, normally I'm not a fan of indie free-to-play games, as they consume my data typically, but this one is worth a shot. Do you remember the 2014 hit "2048"? Well, have you thought about combining the mechanics with that particular game with the classic title Snake, topping it all with Kitty Nigiri? Yes, I seriously mean Kitty sushi. With raw fish on their backs, wrapped with seaweed. And they're just... so... cute!

Anyway, Cat Nigiri's Kitty Kitchen has made its way onto app stores. So what makes this game captivating? Besides the kitties? The puzzles involved. Three of these feline sushi are placed on a procedurally generated board, and the goal is to slide these kitties toward food dishes before time... or in this case, calories, run out.

According to Nando Guimaraes, studio co-founder and producer:

"Our sashimi-bearing mascot has always been very popular among our audience, so I thought it should have a game of its own. With that in mind, my associate and I started to conceive a quick, simple game for our beloved character to star in, carefully enough so that it wouldn't look rushed or shoehorned to fit a pre-existing game mechanic."

Caio Lopez, the studio co-founder and designer of Kitty Kitchen, chimed in with the matter that they, "picked one of the best directional control schemes for mobiles and integrated it with a fast-paced, frantic gameplay, achieving a game that is both a comfortable puzzle and a quick burst action title at the same time."

I wish there was a Pro version of this so I wouldn't have to deal with the stupid ads. Either way, the game is available for both Android and iOS. If you want the download links and to watch a video, you can head to Kitty Kitchen's official site here.


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