Xbox One vs PS4 and the DRM plus Used Game Dilemma

Xbox One vs PS4 and the DRM plus Used Game Dilemma

Has Microsoft gone too far?

Ranga14 by Ranga14 on Jun 14, 2013 @ 02:07 PM (Staff Bios)
So unless you're either not a gamer or have been living under a rock as of late then you've probably heard of, or seen the latest and greatest Xbox One and Playstation 4. Or maybe you saw all the bells, whistles and cool features shown at E3 2013 that just ended [links above]. Well, if you indeed followed said event then you might have noticed the Xbox One is not only going to have obtrusive DRM but that you won't exactly own the full rights to your game purchases! Surprise!

Why is this bad you ask? Well aside from the obvious smack on the side of the head that I would give you for asking such a question is that one need look no further than the PS4 Presser that was held in which they essentially took the Xbox One's flaws and not only exposed them but used them to their advantage in marketing the PS4 platform. Don't believe me? Check out the clips below;

Now if that isn't a solid punch to the gut of Microsoft and the Xbox One then I don't know what is! Sony is going about this in a brilliant way. They not only have a sense for the mood of the average gaming consumer (anti-DRM, wants to own their games, protect my privacy, etc) at the moment but they also know how to convey a strong message to both Microsoft and the average gamer in that what they are doing is both greedy and illogical. So let's examine a few things...


Is Microsoft attempting to single handily destroy the used games market? Have they measured the effect it might have on gamers who choose their console over another due to quantity and quality of used games available? These are valid questions that need some answers! So by tying the game to the console and telling the user you essentially don't have the right to resell it, let a friend borrow it or even take it to a friends to play it on their system (more common than you would think), Microsoft will likely alienate a large chunk of their consumer base and potentially covert them into PS4 fan boys.

Instead, it in a way puts a potential devaluation on the game itself. In other words, will it be worth the full price tag of $60? I think not! Hell, they might as well go Free to Play and even then I don't know how successful they would be as that dynamic hasn't been fully tried on a console.


DRM is nothing new. There's been various varieties and incarnations of it over the years from a simple validation of said product to the server to the more extreme constant check in's (always on) which it appears the Xbox One will employ along with said validation and an always on requirement. The biggest debate here is what happens to users with capped or limited bandwidth? Well, Microsoft's answer is simply to get an Xbox 360 and be content! Not a great answer guys, sorry!


This could be pure speculation on my part but that camera on the Xbox One just creeps me out a bit! Creeper Xbox is going to be creepin my activities? Will it always be on and recording or might it be selective in case Microsoft or worse yet the NSA decide to jump in and say OH, HAY THERE, WE SEE YOU LIKE TO PLAY GAME WITH BOMB? TERRORIST, YES? :-) Shivers a bit, yes, it is scary but perhaps I've ventured too far into conspiracy land there? Or perhaps a visit to Guantanamo Bay might be in my or your future? ;-)

Final Thoughts:

It seems that in every instance, Microsoft seems to fail at providing any kind of compromise and all for what? What is the overall gain by literally chaining the gamer to their Xbox? Better analytics? An easier way to push out advertisements? More than likely it is in an effort to piece meal games out to us dedicated gamers and slowly feed us costly additions which in the past would have been included at launch? Sound familiar? These are all valid questions that most of us might ask but the final answer might be too difficult to decipher!

I'm sure many of you will be left with your head spinning pondering this one just as I have? So what will it take to make Microsoft change their ways? It seems gamers need to rise up, be vocal about this and hit them where it hurts and simply don't purchase an Xbox One. That might really be the only solution or at least delay your purchase until you see how everything plays out. That's what I'll probably end up doing and that's my advice to you, take it as you will.


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