5 Horrific Video Game Plots that are Coming True

5 Horrific Video Game Plots that are Coming True

Conspiracy Theorists Unit! Here they are...

Ranga14 by Ranga14 on Sep 27, 2012 @ 08:42 PM (Staff Bios)
5 Horrific Video Game Plots that are Coming True

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The Houston Press recently put out an article detailing 5 Horrifying Video Game Plots that actually seem to be coming true. Or at least in the mind of certain conspiracy theorists? Here's a brief breakdown of each;

Final Fatansy VII is notable because it was the first game in the series where the initial enemy wasn't a despot or sudden supernatural evil, it was a corporation. Specifically, it was the Shinra corporation, an energy company that had developed a new power source called Mako which was drained directly from the planet. After becoming the main or only provider of electric power in the world, they had essentially overthrown all government, leaving puppets in their place, while they wielded absolute power.

You know who else is getting into the energy business? The $80 billion information giant Google. The company got into solar energy big in 2006, when it started building massive solar power panels to provide electricity for its servers. The project was the largest corporate solar power hub in the United States. Just last year they began investing nearly a billion dollars into various forms of renewable energy...

BioShock is one of my favorite video game series because it's historical fiction that explores what happens when various ideals, like apocalyptic religion or nationalism, are taken to unhealthy extremes. In the first game, we visited Rapture, an undersea art-deco metropolis founded on Ayn Randian principles of free enterprise unhampered by altruism or government regulation.

Spoilers, it turned everything into a f*** more clustered than was previously thought possible by clusterfuckologists. Science sold designer genetic to the populace that turned them into murder mutants, guns were available in vending machines, and not one of the 1 percent that fled beneath the waves was willing to clean a toilet. A valuable lesson was learned by... no one....

I didn't play THQ's Homefront, and judging by sales it's likely that you didn't either. Not that I blame you. It's not like there is a shortage of first-person-shooters in the world. In fact, of the five games on this list every single one of them either is or has a spin-off in the genre. Still, THQ is going forward with a sequel.

One of the quirks about the game was that it eerily predicted the death of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il. The game takes place in March of 2013, and states that Kim Jong-un had succeeded his father a year earlier. That means that THQ missed the actual date of the Great Leader's death by mere months.

Granted, it wasn't that out there. Kim Jong-il had been in poor health since at least 2008, and Kim Jong-un as his successor was not a surprise, but Homefront had some other little quirks that make me wonder whether or not it's more prophecy than game...

Resident Evil's perennial antagonist, the pharmaceutical company Umbrella, has the following time-tested business strategy. Zombies equal Profit. Maybe that's true if your industry involves making movies and video games about how awesome it would be to shoot people in the head because they're zombies, but is not really very attractive to people looking more for things like painkillers and boner pills.

Still, they keep on keeping on with their plan to use science in order to grow the ultimate genetic soldier no matter how many times they have to create pulsing bags of eyes that hunger for the blood of women in improbable outfits instead. That kind of can do spirit can be found right here in America, and in real life you don't even have to worry about the bottom line for such shenanigans. As a taxpayer, you're already an Umbrella customer.

DARPA is the "Oh God Why" branch of the Department of Defense. They specialize in developing really advanced technology in order to make killing more effective and/or possibly fun. Their current list of projects include telepathy, self-healing robots, and artificial genetic organisms for battle. Here's my favorite quote from that article...

Portal 2 is one of the greatest games of all time, mixing the immersion of the first person shooter with the elegance of a finely crafted puzzler, all the while entertaining an audience with the funniest antagonist this side of Fawful. I know you're hoping at best I'll tell you the portal gun is in the works or at worst science labs are turning their resource controls over to bitchy AIs that have access to deadly neurotoxin, but the truth is way weirder.

In the game, scientist and entrepreneur Cave Johnson gives a speech that has become famous. It goes...

Check out their article for full details on each.


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