1080 Snowboarding Hits the Wii U Virtual Console Slopes Today

1080 Snowboarding Hits the Wii U Virtual Console Slopes Today

Been getting desperate for these types of games...

Michelle McLean by Michelle McLean on Dec 31, 2015 @ 02:52 PM (Staff Bios)
With a blizzard having hit a good portion of the States recently, winter festivities are clearly in the air. One of my favorite winter hobbies is snowboarding, and so I'm naturally inclined to play snowboarding titles. So it's exciting to know that 1080 Snowboarding hit the Wii U Virtual Console. 

For those that haven't played, 1080 Snowboarding is one of the first realistic snowboarding games that appeared on the Nintendo 64 back in 1998. With five characters to choose from, all with their own special abilities and varied attributes, you're in for a good day indoors--especially when you can play on a gamepad. You can pick up 1080 Snowboarding for $9.99 at the eShop.

And if you want to personally check out some of it in action, you can watch this 10 minute video of it on YouTube below:


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