10 Reasons Why You Should Not Date a Girl Gamer

10 Reasons Why You Should Not Date a Girl Gamer

Ranga14 by Ranga14 on Apr 23, 2010 @ 01:52 PM (Staff Bios)
Planetxbox360.com recently posted an article in response to a write up done promoting how great it is to date a girl that is into games. Well, they decided they wanted to look at things from a different perspective in why it's a bad thing to date a girl gamer. Below are a few excerpts from their article;

9. Split-Screen Life: Does anyone really enjoy split-screen anymore? No offense to those who do, but having your first playthrough of an awesome new game cut through the middle is not really an enjoyable experience. In a relationship with both of you being gamers, there will inevitably be a game that releases that your girl really wants to play through and oh, what luck, the game has a split-screen co-op option for the campaign. I can't even begin to express my feelings about playing multiplayer over live, with the screen split in half. Good luck with that scenario.

8. You'll Have Plenty of Alone Time in Your Mancave (NOT): Whenever I have been in a relationship, video games were always my getaway or chance to escape to the mancave, which is always healthy for a relationship especially when you live together. But when you're dating a gamer girl, she wants to play through games with you and most often enjoys watching you play games. So you can't really call your gaming room a mancave if your girl is spending plenty of time in there with you, it loses its "sacred" status. So you'll have boatloads of fun as you try to find a hobby outside of gaming that lets you have some alone time, because she'll most likely want to be in the room when you finish the new Call of Duty.

5. Trading in/Selling Games is a Negotiation: Trading in games from time to time can definitely help take the load off a purchase of a new game, but when you are sharing a library of titles it becomes a 2-man/woman job to decide what can be traded in and what can't. "I haven't finished that one yet" or "I love that game, we have to keep it" becomes common conversation lines when trying to offload some titles you don't play anymore. This often ends in not having anything to trade in and you must pay for everything out of pocket.

1. A Self-Proclaimed Girl Gamer is Probably a Controller Hog: Oh man, this argument is always a popular staple in the industry, so we wont go too deep into it, but the girls who play video games and dont flaunt it are usually the most respectable. Unfortunately, the girls who run around in video game shirts trying to strike up a conversation about how awesome they are at video games tend to be the ones to stay far away from. These attributes are usually huge cries for attention that is never enjoyable in a relationship, especially when they continue to act this way after they are dating a guy. Guys, dating one of these girls is a nightmare, dont waste your attention on them because they are most likely getting it from plenty others.

This article was pretty interesting to me. I can't say I agree with the split screen problem since I have a larger TV although I could possibly see the issue with a smaller TV. Also, a lot of this is assuming you both live together and don't make a lot of money hence the trading in of games instead of keeping them and buying new ones. Same goes with the sharing of the computer to play. Most gamers are pretty well off unless you're living with parents or in college but even then, you're not in bad shape so I don't see how those problems could rear their head as much.

Another thing I have to say regarding the top reason with certain girls acting all tuff and wanting attention due to being "Sooo good" at these games is stretching since guys do the EXACT same thing, but in far greater numbers. There's at least half of those types for every 10 gamers you come across.

Nevertheless, a good article in which you can read the rest by clicking here.


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