This is what is envisioned when referring to The Order: 1886. A PlayStation 4 exclusive, this game is set in an alternate steampunk-oriented, Victorian-era London. This game, dark and dreary, is brimming with visual beauty. Yet, there is much more to the game than simply aesthetics. This article will detail the plot, gameplay, visuals/sound, and more, so it is recommended to continue reading.

A-are those the actual graphics?
As mentioned, the game is set in an alternate history of London, where an old Order of Knights protect the world from half human, half animal monstrosities. For centuries, humans and these half-breeds conflicted, and even though humans outnumbered these beasts, the beasts' strength overpowered the humans and defeated them, battle after battle.
However, the future blessed humans with hope in the form of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. King Arthur and his Knights approached the beasts with valor, but they soon realized the battle was a loss. However, through sheer luck, or fate, they stumbled upon Black Water, a magical substance that extended their lives and infused them with healing abilities. Hope once again surfaced in the hearts of the Knights, but these newfound augments were again unable to overcome the wrath of the half-breeds.

Yeah, those rebels are none too happy....
Enter the birth of the alternate Industrial Revolution. Influential inventors, including the very real Nikola Tesla, developed powerful technology, such as thermal imaging, Zeppelins, wireless communications, and weapons that possessed unique properties.
Fast forward to 1886. The war continues, and martial law approaches. Lower classes begin to rebel against the rich, as the Knights struggle to support the nobles. Rumors float amongst ears of the rebels allying with the half-breeds. The story thus unfolds upon four squad members - Sebastian Malory, Marquis de Lafayette, Isabeau D'Argyll, and Grayson - as they attempt to quell the rebellion...
The genres of the game are third person action-adventure and third/first-person shooter. The Order: 1886 also contains a similar feel to Assassin Creed's style - at least, in terms of walking and narrative approach. Players can inspect and zoom in on objects. In terms of weaponry, players shift into first person to aim and fire certain weapons, such as the rifle.

Though I want to focus on the gameplay, I can't ignore those beautiful sparks...
There have been rumors of poor controls and quick-time events being heavily relied on, but that has recently been dispelled by an eleven minute video. The gameplay appears fluid, and not once in the video has there been a QTE. Then again, the video is only eleven minutes in length.
Unfortunately, not much else is known of the gameplay. So little has been released in terms of demos and trailers, so much will have to be a surprise come the 20th.
Players all over the world have been clamoring for 60 frames per second in games. However, The Order: 1886 will not be boasting with the particular framerate. Instead, the game will run at 1080p at 30 frames per second - this, in my opinion, is fine for me, because the game is intended to give off a cinematic vibe. The sound effects are vibrant and convincing, but as for music, there is not much known. So far, the dialogue, seems very well written and powerful, and the voice acting complements with realism and accuracy. According to one early player, Lorenzo Tomei, the soundtrack is amazing and immersive.

This will probably be the first game that pushes the PlayStation 4 to its limits.
As for visuals, the game looks amazing. The setting is masked in a dank shadow; the visuals are soft, realistic, and incredibly detailed. Guaranteed you will want to stand there and bask in the scenery and observe the constantly moving steampunk technology. Ready at Dawn, the developers of the game, has definitely taken a page from both Assassin's Creed and The Last of Us in terms of art style.
Basic Information
This game, as mentioned previously, will be exclusive to the PlayStation 4, and will be released in three formats: standard edition, collector's edition, and premium edition. The standard edition, priced at $59.99, includes just the base game. The collector's edition, running at a price of $79.99, includes the Knight's Arsenal DLC, a digital version of the official soundtrack, behind the scenes footage, "Coat of Arms" stickers, a steelbook case with the game, and a 7" Galahad statue. The premium edition is the most expensive at $149.99, and is only available (and sold out) at Amazon and Gamestop. It contains the content from the collector's edition, but also includes a 13" statue that depicts "The Endless Duel," where Galahad is defending himself from a half-breed, and a 22-page artbook that has a secret compartment that contains a Black Water vial and chain, all sealed in a special, shiny box.

It's a pity it's sold out... Guess there is always eBay!
There will be a preorder bonus: The Knight's Arsenal DLC, a twin-set of costumes and weapons, the explosive Arsonist Rifle and the Arc Rifle Prototype, for the protagonist Grayson/Galahad. Gamestop will have an exclusive pre-order bonus: the Knight's Endurance Pack, which includes the Desert Khaki uniform and an Endless Blackwater tonic, which is presumedly a medical kit-type item.
Unfortunately, it seems that a lot of the game is still hidden from the public's eyes. The developers have promised surprises for the game, as they refuse to release a demo. There's much more to explore, so many places to see, and more secrets to discover about the half-breeds and the rebellion. The Order: 1886 is scheduled for release on February 20th, 2015 without any more delays, and will remain exclusive to the PlayStation 4. Attached is the video for those curious of the gameplay. Unfortunately, it is in Italian:
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