New Call of Duty Ghosts Trailer with Megan Fox

New Call of Duty Ghosts Trailer with Megan Fox

CoD Ghosts "Epic Night Out" Trailer + Release Date Info

cronikgamer by cronikgamer on Nov 03, 2013 @ 08:35 AM (Staff Bios)
New Call of Duty Ghosts Trailer with Megan Fox

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Call of Duty fans and haters have been talking about this brand new trailer featuring Megan Fox, and it's not a trailer that you want to miss if you are a fan of the franchise (or Megan Fox). Infinity Ward has just a few more days until the release of CoD Ghosts and it seems like they are doing their best to build up a buzz for the game. The new gameplay mode "Extinction" has already been the buzz of many conversations and articles online, so there's a lot to look forward to in this new release.

This trailer features four guys shooting it out in chaotic environments, like snowy tundras and even in space. The music playing in the background is perfect as well, "I'm Gonna Live Till I Die" by Frank Sinatra is heard throughout the trailer.


CoD Ghosts will be released on November 5th for the PS3, PC, Xbox 360 and Wii U. The game will also be released alongside the next generation consoles, Xbox One and PS4. The game will also come with a discount to either PS Plus or Xbox Live if you purchase it from Best Buy this week, which is great because this is a game you must play online!

Watch the new Call of Duty Ghosts Trailer - "Epic Night Out"


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